Banyaklah rancangan di hati manusia, tetapi keputusan Tuhanlah yang terlaksana.

amsal 19:21

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

penolong kita

      when darkness came over the human eye, then that man away from God, do not listen to God's command, and that's when the devil brings men in a fiery sin.
inside the big problem there is definitely a way out, which sometimes is not visible because it covered the darkness.
"Cried out to God in our distress, trust him, and we never hesitated hearts, let our faith that brings us to the Lord our light path"
surely there are many thorns among the green grass, although he remained trapped in the thorns of life, because thorns have faith, and trust in God that he will live free. 
       "Do not be afraid to face life and remains the refuge to him, because God is our light and our helper"

Mazmur, 119:105. Firman-Mu itu pelita bagi kakiku dan terang bagi jalanku 

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